Steve Harmon, inspired by a school film class, sits in a Harlem jail cell and begins to pen the movie of his life. He reflects on his early years as he goes through the biggest trial of his life- a murder trial. Steve is on the block as an accomplice, the lookout of the operation. He's too young to visit people in jail, but not young enough to keep him from being incarcerated himself. He is able to convey his emotions throughout the ordeal best by keeping them, in script form, in his personal journal. He listens as the prosecutor makes him out to be a monster, attempting to portray him as equally involved in the robbery and murder of a local drug store owner as the admitted criminals who pulled the trigger. While he firmly believes in his innocence (most of the time), Steve is afraid his lawyer does not feel the same. Still, she (half heartedly?) argues that Steve is as far from the crime as she, simply an innocent child caught up with the wrong acquaintances. The prosecutor works hard to implicate Steve, Bobo, and King. She brings forward witnesses, no matter how shady, who are quick to confess all they "know." Luckily, Steve's lawyer, Ms. O'Brien fights hard. In the end, Steve is found not guilty. He is able to leave the jail- which he fears immensely, and return to his life as a child. However, he knows things will never be the same.
My Thoughts:
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a gripping story from the very first lines. I didn't, however, expect it to have so much disturbing content, particularly as a YA book. The added details of acts of prison physical and sexual violence are something I am not sure if I would want my pre-teen or teen reading about. Overall, however, I believe the story was very well done. The writing style took some getting used to, but before long I found myself picturing all the screen shots in my mind. I flipped through the pages quickly, hanging on every word, but dying to see what was next. The author hold the readers attention down to the very last line. Although I might not have had personal experience that allowed me to relate with Steve, I was able to sympathize with him, and that is an essential element to an effective character. Overall, an enjoyable read that I would recommend to older teens.
Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from School Library Journal-
"Steve Harmon, 16, is accused of serving as a lookout for a robbery of a Harlem drugstore. The owner was shot and killed, and now Steve is in prison awaiting trial for murder. From there, he tells about his case and his incarceration. Many elements of this story are familiar, but Myers keeps it fresh and alive by telling it from an unusual perspective. Steve, an amateur filmmaker, recounts his experiences in the form of a movie screenplay. His striking scene-by-scene narrative of how his life has dramatically changed is riveting. Interspersed within the script are diary entries in which the teen vividly describes the nightmarish conditions of his confinement. Myers expertly presents the many facets of his protagonist's character and readers will find themselves feeling both sympathy and repugnance for him. Steve searches deep within his soul to prove to himself that he is not the "monster" the prosecutor presented him as to the jury. Ultimately, he reconnects with his humanity and regains a moral awareness that he had lost."
Awards and Accolades-
Micheal L. Printz Award
Coretta Scott King Honor Book
National Book Award Finalist
My Ideas:
This book serves as a great example of a counter culture. Because of the difficult themes dealt with in this book, I am not sure if I would specifically highlight this book, but I would like to use it as part of a larger display. Steve is certainly not your average teen, and I know some students will relate with him, as well as with other books that deal with subjects outside the norm. Properly displayed, I believe these books would fly off the shelves!
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