Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Module 3- Journal

Choose 5 picture books that were published in 2008 or 5 picture books that were published in 2009. Look at the criteria for the Caldecott Award. If you were on the Caldecott Award Committee, which do you think best fits the criteria and should win the award? Which should be honor books? Why? Make sure you explain fully your reasoning and list the books, authors, and illustrators for all 5 books.

I have chosen five books that were published in 2008 to review. The books I have chosen are:

Each of these books were ones that caught my attention on the bookshelves this summer. I bought 2 of them, but remembered enjoying all of them. (Another on my list was A River of Words, but because it was an actual Caldecott Honor Book this past year I choose others.)

As a Caldecott judge I would be looking a book published in America within the year that is geared for children and illustrated in a manner that adds to the reading experience. The books I would choose would be "distinguished" examples of such books. The illustrations would be considered excellent, innovative, and captivating. The English language books should be illustrated by someone who is a resident and/or citizen of the United States. I would judge the books solely based on themselves, and not on the previous works of the author/illustrator. Using these criteria, I will now evaluate my selections.

The Black Book of Colors by Menena Cotton, Illustrated by Rosana Faria
- While I know this may be a non-traditional choice, I would choose this book at my Caldecott Medal winner. The author provides the reader with illustrations and words in raised type (braille). There are also traditional words for the sighted. Giving children the opportunity to see and FEEL the illustrations allows the picture to become two dimensional. This touch capability captivates the reader while also increasing sensitivity to the needs of those without sight. I feel that this book is an excellent example of innovation (although simplistic) in illustration.

What Can You Do With a Rebozo? by Carmen Tafolla, Illustrated by Amy Cordova
- The colorful depictions of the uses of a rebozo (or long scarf) are absolutely stunning! The illustrator uses shadows to highlight the movement of the scarf as the reader follows the journey. The bright colors and fluid lines make one feel as if they are an active part of the story. I also enjoy that the characters are depicted in clothes of the day. Although the bilingual story emphasizes culture, the illustrations also show that they are as "normal" as the reader. Traditional dress is not necessary to express culture. While I feel the illustrations are stunning, I believe they lack the innovation necessary to win the Caldecott award.

Bird by Zetta Elliott, Illustrated by Shadra Strickland
- The illustrations of this book, from the ballpoint drawings of the boy (Bird) to the colorful expressions of struggle (the graffiti, standing on the edge of a cliff) are an integral part of expressing the deep seeded emotions of the story. While reading the book, the illustrations seem to provide as many layers as the boy has in his feelings. I loved the use of sketch images in with the painted images. I loved the emotion expressed in the colors as the story grows more difficult. I believe the illustrations are innovative, moving, and of superior quality. This book would be at the top of my choices as a Caldecott Honor book. (It would join quite the slew of others awards this book was given!)

Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman, Illustrated by Melio So
- The soft watercolor illustrations of this story, based on real events, draw out emotion in the reader. The reader is drawn in as the father sets up a nest a soars above the city. The illustrations feel fluid and, as the NY Times stated, luminous. It is one of those books you just can't help but describe as beautiful. For sheer beauty, this book should receive a Caldecott Honor. While maybe not innovative on it's own per say, the ability of the illustrator to contrast yet marry the softness of the hawk to the coldness of a large city is pretty incredible.

How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham, Illustrated by Bob Graham
- (I suppose I had a thing with a bird theme!) This book is a wonderful example of how a simple story of a boy helping a bird can be enhanced by colorful and distinct illustrations. The reader feels for the lone bird, sketched tiny is the sea of so many people. The reader rejoices as the bird grows stronger and seems to glow while doing so. As a teacher of young children I know that illustrations are an essential element of comprehension for young readers. This book not only provides that, but it does it so well. The colors, the lines, the size contrast- they all work together to enhance the story. While maybe not deserving of a Caldecott Honor, the book certainly is an excellent example of beautiful illustration.

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