Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Module 5: A Bad Case of the Stripes

Camilla Cream may have loved lima beans, but what she loved even more was being a perfectly blended part of the group. She wanted to fit in so badly- her food, her clothes, her life. They all had to be just like everyone else. One day while changing clothes (again) she found her self covered in stripes. She couldn't seem to figure out what was wrong. Even the doctor wasn't sure what to do. The problem only became worse when she got to school. Say the pledge and she turns to stars. Say something about spots, and there they were. The kids said it, and her body did it. Medicine didn't seem to help, in fact, unless you consider becoming a giant pill helpful, it made it worse! The experts, the news anchors, the therapist- none of them could figure it out. Luckily for Camilla, a mysterious old woman seemed to know just what to do. She gave Camilla what she wanted most, lima beans, but was afraid to have for fear of not fitting in with the other children. Before she knew it, all the colors were gone, and she was back to being plain old Camilla. One bought of the stripes was all it took. From then on, she did what made her happy- including eating lima beans.

My Thoughts:
I am a HUGE David Shannon fan. Pretty much everything he has been the author and/or illustrator for is in my personal library. This book is no exception. While over the heads of my current students (Kindergarten), I enjoy sharing this story with older children. I remember all to well struggling to be a part of the group. I had to have the right shoes, the right hair cut, and play the right sports. Turns out- none of that made me happy. Just like Camilla I became consumed with fitting in, but was happiest when I was out being me. I love the colorful illustrations and easy pacing in this story. The illustrations depict so vividly the plight of Camilla, one can't help but stare. Wonderful story, beautiful illustrations, and a timeless lesson.

Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from the School Library Journal-
"A highly original moral tale acquires mythic proportions when Camilla Cream worries too much about what others think of her and tries desperately to please everyone. First stripes, then stars and stripes, and finally anything anyone suggests (including tree limbs, feathers, and a tail) appear vividly all over her body. The solution: lima beans, loved by Camilla, but disdained for fear they'll promote unpopularity with her classmates. Shannon's exaggerated, surreal, full-color illustrations take advantage of shadow, light, and shifting perspective to show the girl's plight."

My Ideas:
I would use this story in combination with other works by David Shannon in a discussion on the depth of his talent. Shannon shows great range- from The Rough Faced Girl to No David, he accurately depicts the mood of the character through carefully chosen colors, shading, and lines. Comparing and contrasting the different styles from Shannon's many works would make for an interesting disucssion of taste, choice, and editing.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Module 4: Monster

Image from Amazon

Steve Harmon, inspired by a school film class, sits in a Harlem jail cell and begins to pen the movie of his life. He reflects on his early years as he goes through the biggest trial of his life- a murder trial. Steve is on the block as an accomplice, the lookout of the operation. He's too young to visit people in jail, but not young enough to keep him from being incarcerated himself. He is able to convey his emotions throughout the ordeal best by keeping them, in script form, in his personal journal. He listens as the prosecutor makes him out to be a monster, attempting to portray him as equally involved in the robbery and murder of a local drug store owner as the admitted criminals who pulled the trigger. While he firmly believes in his innocence (most of the time), Steve is afraid his lawyer does not feel the same. Still, she (half heartedly?) argues that Steve is as far from the crime as she, simply an innocent child caught up with the wrong acquaintances. The prosecutor works hard to implicate Steve, Bobo, and King. She brings forward witnesses, no matter how shady, who are quick to confess all they "know." Luckily, Steve's lawyer, Ms. O'Brien fights hard. In the end, Steve is found not guilty. He is able to leave the jail- which he fears immensely, and return to his life as a child. However, he knows things will never be the same.

My Thoughts:
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a gripping story from the very first lines. I didn't, however, expect it to have so much disturbing content, particularly as a YA book. The added details of acts of prison physical and sexual violence are something I am not sure if I would want my pre-teen or teen reading about. Overall, however, I believe the story was very well done. The writing style took some getting used to, but before long I found myself picturing all the screen shots in my mind. I flipped through the pages quickly, hanging on every word, but dying to see what was next. The author hold the readers attention down to the very last line. Although I might not have had personal experience that allowed me to relate with Steve, I was able to sympathize with him, and that is an essential element to an effective character. Overall, an enjoyable read that I would recommend to older teens.

Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from School Library Journal-
"Steve Harmon, 16, is accused of serving as a lookout for a robbery of a Harlem drugstore. The owner was shot and killed, and now Steve is in prison awaiting trial for murder. From there, he tells about his case and his incarceration. Many elements of this story are familiar, but Myers keeps it fresh and alive by telling it from an unusual perspective. Steve, an amateur filmmaker, recounts his experiences in the form of a movie screenplay. His striking scene-by-scene narrative of how his life has dramatically changed is riveting. Interspersed within the script are diary entries in which the teen vividly describes the nightmarish conditions of his confinement. Myers expertly presents the many facets of his protagonist's character and readers will find themselves feeling both sympathy and repugnance for him. Steve searches deep within his soul to prove to himself that he is not the "monster" the prosecutor presented him as to the jury. Ultimately, he reconnects with his humanity and regains a moral awareness that he had lost."

Awards and Accolades-
Micheal L. Printz Award
Coretta Scott King Honor Book
National Book Award Finalist

My Ideas:
This book serves as a great example of a counter culture. Because of the difficult themes dealt with in this book, I am not sure if I would specifically highlight this book, but I would like to use it as part of a larger display. Steve is certainly not your average teen, and I know some students will relate with him, as well as with other books that deal with subjects outside the norm. Properly displayed, I believe these books would fly off the shelves!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Module 4: Call It Courage

Call It Courage (Newbery Medal winner, 1941) is the story of a young boy, Mafatu, and his journey to self discovery in the islands the Pacific. Mafatu experienced a tramatic event in the sea as a young child, causing both the loss of his mother and a life long fear of the power of the water. He refused to set foot in the water again, believing it was only possible for him to escape his destiny once. While his name implied courage, his heart did not follow suit. He was often teased for staying behind to do womens' work while the other boys his age went off to fish. One day this teasing became too much to handle, so Mafatu set off on his own. After battling a storm that nearly cost him his life, Mafatu and his dog Uri reached an unknown island. On this island Mafatu came face to face with his fears. He conquered his fear of the unknown, his fear of the water, and his fear of being alone. Necessity bred bravery in this case- allowing Mafatu to survive, and thrive, during his time there. After battling and defeating a boar, a shark, and an octopus, and making a canoe, Mafatu knew it was time to return to his father as the brave boy his name portrayed him to be. After narrowly escaping a tribe of cannibals, and surviving another difficult journey on the water, Mafatu received a heroes welcome on his home island. He successfully proved to everyone, but more importantly to himself, that he truly was a boy with a "stout heart."

My Thoughts:
While not personally appealing, I can see why this book was an award winner and is still popular today. The fast paced story was a quick read with a great deal of action and adventure. I see young boys relating well to Mafatu, identifying with the struggles he faces in an attempt to prove his worth. For me, I typically enjoy historical fiction, but found myself struggling to enjoy the story. I continuously worried more about the outcome of the dog, than about the inward and outward struggles of the young boy. I suppose my complete lack of adventure plays a large roll in this distaste for such an adventure filled book.

Their Thoughts:
New York Times Review-
"Whether this author is telling of clipper ships, of the days of the covered wagon, of the South Sea Islands, he writes always with imagination and integrity. Like all hero legends Mafatu's story has a strength and simplicity that appeals to a wide range in age and it is beautifully told. Mr. Sperry's fine drawings have the same spirit of adventure as the story and enhance the feeling of tropical seas and jungle given in the text. The story reads aloud well and will be useful to storytellers."

My Ideas:
This book would serve well as a read aloud over several weeks of library time for older children. It is a child friendly introduction to historical fiction, and would play well for even the most reluctant male readers. Alternatively, it could also be used during a unit about friendships/bullying. The underdog element of this story would be attractive to those students who feel as if they just do not measure up, and would be a good reminder to the alpha dogs who may contribute to this ill feeling. (For younger students on the same topic, Tacky the Penguin would be a wonderful choice.)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Module 3: Esperanza Rising

Esperanza is the daughter of a wealthy land owner in Mexico. She enjoys life on El Rancho De Las Rosas- going to private school, being waited on hand and foot, and planning her 15th birthday when her best friend. Then one day while out on his horse, Esperanza's father is murdered by bandits angry over wealthy landowners making too much money. When her corrupt Uncle too quickly offers to marry her Mama, Mama refuses just as fast. Esperanza's uncle believes burning down the ranch will lead to a change of heart, but it only sends the family (minus Abuelita) feeling to California in hopes of new opportunities. Life in California, however, turns out to be more difficult than expected. As Esperanza attempts to adjust to the life of a poor migrant farm worker, her mother becomes ill with "valley fever." While her mother struggles to recover in the hospital, Esperanza steps up, and grows up, as the head of the household. Working each season to save money to bring her grandmother home, Esperanza learns about the plight of the immigrant workers and fears the possibilities of a strike. She sees the other side of life from her days on El Rancho, now understanding what it's like to be standing on "the other side of the river." Esperanza's mother recovers, and is helped along by the return of Abuelita (thanks to the help of Miguel). Seeing her family together gives Esperanza hope- hope for a new life and a new future in America.

My Thoughts:
Although I have owned this book for years, it was one I had never read. While I typically find books in this style to be a bit trite (trying to hard to be "cultural"), this book was quite well done. The author's intense connection to the life of her own grandmother in Mexico and California helped bring a "realness" to the story that other authors are not always able to capture. I feel that Esperanza is a wonderful character. As a strong, yet young, female she shows that much can be accomplished with patience and perseverance. The story was engaging and fluid, moving easily to the next chapter. The author's words painted a mental picture so vivid I could almost feel the dust storm blowing by. I highly recommend this book to anyone, and hope to Book Talk this with some of our students soon.

Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from School Lobrary Journal Review by Francisca Goldsmith-
"Esperanza's expectation that her 13th birthday will be celebrated with all the material pleasures and folk elements of her previous years is shattered when her father is murdered by bandits. His powerful stepbrothers then hold her mother as a social and economic hostage, wanting to force her remarriage to one of them, and go so far as to burn down the family home. Esperanza's mother then decides to join the cook and gardener and their son as they move to the United States and work in California's agricultural industry. They embark on a new way of life, away from the uncles, and Esperanza unwillingly enters a world where she is no longer a princess but a worker. Set against the multiethnic, labor-organizing era of the Depression, the story of Esperanza remaking herself is satisfyingly complete, including dire illness and a difficult romance. Except for the evil uncles, all of the characters are rounded, their motives genuine, with class issues honestly portrayed."

Awards and Accolades-
Pura Belpre Award
Jane Addam's Children Book Award
Willa Cather Award
ALA Top Ten YA Books
LA Times Book Prize Finalist
Publisher's Weekly Best Book of the Year 2000

My Ideas:
This would be a simple book to Book Talk during a number of topic studies. It could be introduced for Hispanic Heritage Month, the Depression, and Immigration. The strength of the character, although young, makes this story appealing to middle schoolers. The history and perspective gained while reading would be a wonderful bonus.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Module 3- Journal

Choose 5 picture books that were published in 2008 or 5 picture books that were published in 2009. Look at the criteria for the Caldecott Award. If you were on the Caldecott Award Committee, which do you think best fits the criteria and should win the award? Which should be honor books? Why? Make sure you explain fully your reasoning and list the books, authors, and illustrators for all 5 books.

I have chosen five books that were published in 2008 to review. The books I have chosen are:

Each of these books were ones that caught my attention on the bookshelves this summer. I bought 2 of them, but remembered enjoying all of them. (Another on my list was A River of Words, but because it was an actual Caldecott Honor Book this past year I choose others.)

As a Caldecott judge I would be looking a book published in America within the year that is geared for children and illustrated in a manner that adds to the reading experience. The books I would choose would be "distinguished" examples of such books. The illustrations would be considered excellent, innovative, and captivating. The English language books should be illustrated by someone who is a resident and/or citizen of the United States. I would judge the books solely based on themselves, and not on the previous works of the author/illustrator. Using these criteria, I will now evaluate my selections.

The Black Book of Colors by Menena Cotton, Illustrated by Rosana Faria
- While I know this may be a non-traditional choice, I would choose this book at my Caldecott Medal winner. The author provides the reader with illustrations and words in raised type (braille). There are also traditional words for the sighted. Giving children the opportunity to see and FEEL the illustrations allows the picture to become two dimensional. This touch capability captivates the reader while also increasing sensitivity to the needs of those without sight. I feel that this book is an excellent example of innovation (although simplistic) in illustration.

What Can You Do With a Rebozo? by Carmen Tafolla, Illustrated by Amy Cordova
- The colorful depictions of the uses of a rebozo (or long scarf) are absolutely stunning! The illustrator uses shadows to highlight the movement of the scarf as the reader follows the journey. The bright colors and fluid lines make one feel as if they are an active part of the story. I also enjoy that the characters are depicted in clothes of the day. Although the bilingual story emphasizes culture, the illustrations also show that they are as "normal" as the reader. Traditional dress is not necessary to express culture. While I feel the illustrations are stunning, I believe they lack the innovation necessary to win the Caldecott award.

Bird by Zetta Elliott, Illustrated by Shadra Strickland
- The illustrations of this book, from the ballpoint drawings of the boy (Bird) to the colorful expressions of struggle (the graffiti, standing on the edge of a cliff) are an integral part of expressing the deep seeded emotions of the story. While reading the book, the illustrations seem to provide as many layers as the boy has in his feelings. I loved the use of sketch images in with the painted images. I loved the emotion expressed in the colors as the story grows more difficult. I believe the illustrations are innovative, moving, and of superior quality. This book would be at the top of my choices as a Caldecott Honor book. (It would join quite the slew of others awards this book was given!)

Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman, Illustrated by Melio So
- The soft watercolor illustrations of this story, based on real events, draw out emotion in the reader. The reader is drawn in as the father sets up a nest a soars above the city. The illustrations feel fluid and, as the NY Times stated, luminous. It is one of those books you just can't help but describe as beautiful. For sheer beauty, this book should receive a Caldecott Honor. While maybe not innovative on it's own per say, the ability of the illustrator to contrast yet marry the softness of the hawk to the coldness of a large city is pretty incredible.

How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham, Illustrated by Bob Graham
- (I suppose I had a thing with a bird theme!) This book is a wonderful example of how a simple story of a boy helping a bird can be enhanced by colorful and distinct illustrations. The reader feels for the lone bird, sketched tiny is the sea of so many people. The reader rejoices as the bird grows stronger and seems to glow while doing so. As a teacher of young children I know that illustrations are an essential element of comprehension for young readers. This book not only provides that, but it does it so well. The colors, the lines, the size contrast- they all work together to enhance the story. While maybe not deserving of a Caldecott Honor, the book certainly is an excellent example of beautiful illustration.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Module 3: Let It Shine

Image from Amazon

Mr. Bryan presents three well known spirituals (This Little Light of Mine, When The Saints Come Marching In, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands) using construction paper collages to bring the words to life. He uses multiple images to express the words of the songs- from people taking part in all types of tasks while shining their light, to a parent-like image cradling a small child. The book ends with the words and musical scores printed for each song with one representative image.

My Thoughts:
Originally, I had planned to blog about Officer Buckle and Gloria, which has always been a personal favorite of mine. However, after reading through this book, I knew I would choose this one instead. The illustrations are INCREDIBLE. After only two pages I found myself turning back to see what medium the artist used to create these images. Construction paper! Amazing! While reading (and humming) along, I found myself touching the pages. I knew, of course, that these were flat images, but I just could not resist attempting to feel for texture. My favorite image is the hands of God holding the sun, moon, stars and wind. The intricacy of how each element is place withing the large colorful hands brought this spiritual to life in a way that I could never have imagined. I look forward to sharing this book with others for years to come.

Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from Booklist:
"The inspiring words of three well-known spirituals, "This Little Light of Mine," "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In," and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," are matched with powerful construction-paper collage illustrations. Each double-page spread of this oversize picture book is an explosion of shapes and bright colors. Stocky figures, silhouetted against swirling colors are created from geometric shapes woven together. Rather than conceive a story to accompany the lyrics, Bryan presents series of scenes to reflect each set of lyrics. Children dance around with candles and march with saints; God holds a world of colored objects in his hands."

Winner, Coretta Scott King Award (2008)

My Ideas:
As part of a Black History Month celebration, it would be interesting to study the roll of spirituals in the times of slaves. Let it Shine would serve as a great discussion opener on how spirituals affected the daily lives of slaves. Students could use online research as a means for discovering more traditional spirituals, and attempt to illustrate one line themselves, perhaps even in the same medium as Mr. Bryan.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Module 2- Journal

In Tunnell and Jacobs, Chapter 5, the authors discuss the history of children's literature. In one or two sentences, identify these terms: hornbooks, chapbooks, Orbis Pictus, Charles Perrault, John Newbery (note spelling), Randolph Caldecott, Kate Greenaway, St. Nicholas Magazine, trends in 20th century children's books, Millions of Cats.

Hornbooks- Small rectangular paddles, about the size of an index card, used as a method of displaying literature for children. A small piece of animal skin prepared for writing, or parchment, was placed on the paddle and covered by a thin sheet of cattle horn (thus giving them their name). An example is shown in the illustration below.

Chapbooks- booklets emerging in the 16th century as an alternative to the typically religious hornbooks. While the printing quality may not have been stellar for these cheap books, the printer, or one of them at least, was- John Newbery. Image below.

Orbis Pictus- Considered to be the world's first picture book for children. The World in Pictures gives children woodcut illustrations of natural wonders. Simple text accompanies these illustrations making it the first of it's kind.

Charles Perrault- Published Tales of Mother Goose, giving readers a collection of favorite French stories in a single work and their first introduction to the character of Mother Goose herself. These stories appealed to adults and children alike during the late 17th century, just as they do today. A page from the collection:

John Newbery- Early publisher of books solely for children, including chapbooks mentioned previously. Newbery published hundreds of books meant to entertain and engage children, including some of his own works such as The History of Little Goody Two Shoes. Later, an award for outstanding children's books was named in his honor.

Randolph Caldecott-
British pioneer of children's book illustrations. He is considered the first to use illustrations depicting action, as he did in The Diverting History of John Gilpin. Today, a small portion of that book's illustration is used in the medal baring Caldecott's name, which is given to books exhibiting excellence in the area of illustration.

Kate Greenaway- Like Caldecott, Greeaway was a pioneer in the art of illustrations for children's literature. She is the namesake of the British award for children's illustration excellence, award annually (save one year when no books were considered worthy) since 1956.

St. Nicholas Magazine- A children's magazine that began in the late 19th century that featured contributions from well known and highly respected authors and illustrators in the children's literature field. Louisa May Alcott's Jo's Boys was first published serially in this magazine.

Trends in 20th Century Children's Books-
In recent years, children's literature has expanded to deal with the topics and issues facing children today. The reader is more likely to see characters that look like them, and identify with situations familiar to them, than in past periods. Those children desiring non-fiction books have more acceptable options to choose from then their parents would have before them. Young children wanting a book at their level, even one that is easier for them to handle (such as a board book), are likely to find appropriate choices in readily accessible stores. In short, children's literature today is more. More choices, more access, more entertainment, more affordable, etc.

Millions of Cats-
A storybook by Wanda Gag, published in 1928, which has been called the "first American picture storybook." The illustrations in the story flow with the song-like text to create a more rounded literary experience for young readers. (Well, until the cats eat each other, that is.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Module 2: Ramona Quimby, Age 8

(Image Found Here)

As Ramona Quimby (age 8, naturally) enters third grade she realizes that much of what she knows is about to change. Her father has gone back to school, and her mother is now the bread winner of the family. Ramona will be attending a new school with a new teacher and a whole new set of problems. She meets her first problem on the bus- Danny, the yard ape. After an eraser stealing incident she realizes he might be more of enjoyable challenge than she thinks. Not such an enjoyable challenge for Ramona? Willa Jean, the little sister of the family who watches Ramona after school. Even when she is temporarily distracted with the serious sounding, "Sustained Silent Reading," she eventually catches on to Ramona's schemes and returns to her pestering ways. Ramona's parents don't understand her troubles, and tell her that her most important job is getting along with Willa Jean. To add to her troubles? Ramona overhears her teacher call her a nuisance after a particularly messy egg incident in the cafeteria. As if that wasn't bad enough, Ramona is again embarrassed after throwing up in the middle of class! While recovering the prospect of a fun assignment gives Ramona a way to redeem herself with both her classmates and her teacher, and she even gains patience for Willa Jean in the process.

My Thoughts:
I am not quite sure how I managed to get through elementary school without reading the Ramona books! I loved the story, identified with the characters, and look forward to reading more in the series. My sister always said Ramona reminded me of her, but I never understood- until now. I was a great deal like Ramona growing up. At heart, a sweet kid, but full of too much energy to come across as the most likable kid in the room. Her redeeming qualities at the end of they story give the reader a great first glimpse into a dynamic character. While Ebeneezer may be a better example, this story provides a good first discussion point for the topic. The only bit I didn't thoroughly enjoy was the amount of adult responsibilities given to Ramona. I found myself wishing her parents had not made her deal with adult issues such as finances. She seemed to bear much of the burden on herself, and a young reader my pick up on this behavior.

Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from Booklist Review:
"With a unique combination of humor and sympathy, Cleary details the up-and-down episodes in a characteristic third-grader's life."

My Ideas:
As mentioned previously, I believe this book would be great to open a discussion on dynamic characters. Who they are, what makes them change, and the characteristics of them that we would like to emulate. Also, this book would make a wonderful introduction to the works of Beverly Cleary. With such a wide variety of choices- from Ramona to Mr. Henshaw and beyond, Beverly Cleary is a wonderful author to do an in depth study on in the library. If the time is not available, a large colorful display that helps attract readers to this book and others by Cleary would be a good second option.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Module 2: Goodnight Moon

This 1947 children's book is a simple story that has been loved by many generations of readers. The story begins with an introduction to the room and the things that the reader finds there. Using rhyming words and relying on the reader to catch the details of the wonderful illustrations, we then say goodnight to each of the things first introduced in the story. From the mush to the little old lady whispering hush, everyone is told goodnight as the illustration colors grow darker.

My Thoughts:
While I do read this story to my students each year, I must admit it's not one of my favorites. I read it aloud as a predictable text, one they will enjoy picking up and "reading" themselves. It also serves as a great introduction to rhyming words. However, I feel that the "story" itself is more of a disjointed narrative. At times, it even feels awkward to read. I think the largest benefit lies in the detailed illustrations. I find that while reading this book is a good time to discuss how noticing all that is on a page can help us to understand the story.

Their Thoughts:
(This book as particularly difficult to find reviews for. I suppose, like me, there just wasn't that much that they could say!)
From Booklist's 1987 Review:
"This soothing, classic going-to-bed story has a vocabulary that lends itself to the skills of beginning readers."

My Ideas:
As mentioned previously, I believe this book is a superb example of detailed illustrations. I would use this book as a way to introduce the job of illustrators and what they bring to the story. First, the children could listen to the story without seeing the illustrations, and draw their own image based on the words they heard. Then I would read the story again, allowing them to view the book's pages. This would open the door for a great discussion on vision, detail, and rich pictures.

(An interesting side note about the photo of the illustrator from the book jacket being altered: NY Times Article)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Module 1- Journal

As I have strong feelings regarding both of these topics, I chose to write about both choices for my first journal entry. For grading purposes, the second question's response meets the length requirements.

1. Many children's books are written to appeal more to adults than children. For which age group would this (these) books appeal? How does it meet the developmental needs of that group? Would you consider this book more appealing to adults than children or equally to both? Why?

I believe that while The Giving Tree and Love You Forever may be picture books in the traditional sense of the term, they are not children's picture books by any means. Both books deal with a subject matter that is not capable of being properly processed at a young age. While The Giving Tree has a lower possible age range, both speak to an audience with a little more life experience than the average first grader. For adults, these books speak to the growth and change we often experience whether it be in letting go of an adult aged child, or an adult age child learning to live without the constant support of a parent. The stories are able to put a potentially overly emotional situation into simple and relatable forms. It lets the adult know they are not alone in dealing with these transition situations. Because of the subject matter, these books would be wholly unappealing to the average child. Those children who do enjoy the stories may do so more because they see the enjoyment their parents experience when sharing the story. Adults on the other hand typically enjoy both of these books as a way to put into words the emotions of this time in their lives.

2. Go to the and read the information. Describe the Matthew Effect. Have you seen examples of this in your school or library? How will this knowledge impact your actions as a librarian?

The Matthew Effect, as so named by Keith Stanovich, speaks to the always increasing divide of the haves and the have-nots in the reading world. Stanovich believes that those with early difficulty in reading continue to fall behind in all literary endeavors as the years pass. Because of this they are unable to develop many of the literacy based skills such as increased vocabulary, broad schema building, and knowledge of the basic layout of the reading process. This is particularly true in the case of children with disabilities. As the proverbial "strikes" mount against them they are unable to recover enough to save themselves from striking out.

Because I teach the younger grades where they are just learning to read, I am not as familiar with the long term effects of reading difficulties. I do however see a sort of generational Matthew Effect with some of my students. Many of those whose own parents professed to have always struggled with reading seem to bring a blase attitude toward literary activities into the classroom prior to even beginning the reading process. Overcoming this attitude usually proves to be more of a challenge than the reading instruction itself.

As a beginning reading teacher, I am well aware that teaching the love of reading is one of the most important jobs I have throughout the year. I try to present books from different genres, authors, topics, and even languages to my class throughout the year. We read for pleasure as well as for information. In my class, going to the class library after completing work is a privilege. Along with that, reading and/or writing is never used as a form of punishment for a rule infraction. While I never had a name for the issue, I always sought to avoid the Matthew Effect in my students. As I told a parent today, "If they leave my classroom loving to read, then I can feel successful in my abilities as a teacher." As a librarian I will approach my lessons in the same manner. I will present reading as an enjoyable pastime through books that appeal to even the most reluctant readers. I will help teachers in any way I can with reluctant readers, providing the teachers with resource materials and the student with high interest selections at their working reading level.

Module 1: The Giving Tree

The book follows both a boy and his tree through the stages of life. At every stage the tree attempts to provide they with all he may need or want for happiness. For the young boy the tree provides companionship and a playmate. As the boy continues to grow, the tree provides a source of income, a home, a method of travel, and finally- a place to rest. At each stage the tree gives all so that the boy may have what his heart desires, regardless of the cost on the part of the tree.

My Thoughts:
This book is a perfect example of how one can say so much without using many words. The author, Shel Silverstein, allows the reader to form their own connection to the story, providing many levels of possible meaning. Personally, each time I read this story I think of my Mom and how she was always there for us and tried to give us what we wanted, even if she knew we might not necessarily need it at the time. Even today, she wants to make sure I am taken care of and protected. While this book is perhaps not the most rick book in terms of language, the author effectively reaches out and draws in the reader.

Their Thoughts:
Excerpt from William Col's NYT Review (1963)
"My interpretation is that that was one dum-dum of a tree, giving everything and getting nothing in return. Once beyond boyhood, the boy is unpleasant and ungrateful, and I wouldn't give him the time of day, much less my bole. But there's a public out there who think otherwise, and Harper & Row expects to sell another 100,000 this year. And this month they are bringing out a version in French, "L'arbre au Grand Coeur." I called Ursula Nordstrom, who has been Shel's editor at Harper & Row, and asked how this all came about. Ursula, noted for finding and encouraging such artists as Maurice Sendak and Tomi Ungerer, had long ago noted Shel's "simple and direct drawings" in Playboy, and tried to get him to do a book. Shel, the hardest man in the world to pin down, didn't react until Tomi Ungerer said, "Go see Ursula." There was tremendous disagreement in the office over "The Giving Tree," one editor saying "That tree is sick! Neurotic!" They did a small first printing in 1964. Nothing much happened. Then, as Ursula says, "The body twitched". Apparently, it had been taken up by the great word-of-mouth underground with an assist from the pulpits; where it was hailed as a parable on the joys of giving, and from Shel's disk-jockey friends, a strange pairing. The book, to me, is simply a backup of "more blessed to give than to receive." My wife's interpretation, not surprisingly, is that the tree represents a mother, giving and receiving with not expectation of return. Whatever it is, it touches a sensitive point clearly and swiftly, as do other recent phenomena of Segals and seagulls."

My Ideas:
I think this book best reaches a junior high age audience. While I may intend for a lesson to go a certain way, children at the junior high level will be able to relate to the story on different levels. My initial plan would be to use it as an introduction to Earth Week. We could discuss and chart renewable vs. non-renewable resources and how we might best use them without taking them for granted as the boy did with the tree. Of course, the conversation can always lead to a different teachable moment!