Sunday, April 18, 2010

Book Review: Sold by Patrcia McCormick

Booklist says...
"Lakshmi, 13, knows nothing about the world beyond her village shack in the Himalayas of Nepal, and when her family loses the little it has in a monsoon, she grabs a chance to work as a maid in the city so she can send money back home. What she doesn't know is that her stepfather has sold her into prostitution. She ends up in a brothel far across the border in the slums of Calcutta, locked up, beaten, starved, drugged, raped, "torn and bleeding," until she submits. ... An unforgettable account of sexual slavery as it exists now."

Mrs. Clark says...
While this book was tough for me to read, I am sure glad I did! An eye opening account of the world of modern day slavery, I found this book to be well-written and honest. While it is easy to picture this story occurring in historical times, the author's references to modern day comforts such as Coca-Cola and soap operas really bring home the point that this travesty is occurring right under our noses, even today. It's definitely for the older reader, so parents proceed with caution and make sure to discuss the book with your child. You won't be sorry if you pick up this book!

How fast did I turn the pages? ****

You can grab this book, and many others like it, from our library! Come see me during open check out!

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