Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Thoughts

As the semester comes to and end, I thought I would take time to reflect on what I have read. Did I love everything? No, but I am elated to have been able to read as much as I did. I feel that as a librarian my job will not just be to familiarize myself with the books I enjoy, but with the books that might be enjoyed by my patrons. I feel that the reading lists from each genre, and the encouragement to read something new, have really stretched me to get to know what is out there for children. Because of that, I have in turn become closer with the older students in my school to which I have talked about these books. I know that that will translate into the library setting, with my knowledge of books allowing me to develop a relationship with the students who use the library. I hope to keep up with all styles of books throughout my career, never getting stuck in a rut!

Just in case you are wondering, my absolute favorite book I read this year was...

My second favorite?

And my least favorite?

You know, just in case you wanted to know. :)

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