Thursday, October 29, 2009

Module 9- Journal

Using both mystery and fantasy/scifi from last module, look at the roles of the characters. Were these roles stereotypical? Why or why not? What problems--if any--do you see with today's children being exposed to stereotypical gender roles? Choose at least 1 book from each genre to cite and give examples from these books.

Bella (Twilight)- Bella is a countertypical teen girl. While she may be interested in boys, she certainly does not fulfill the feminine stereotyped gender role. Bella would be considered a tom-boy, preferring to dress and act in a more gender neutral manner. She is not fussy about hair, makeup, or clothes, preferring instead to roll out of bed in clothes that keep her from being noticed. She readily admits that she doesn't relate to her peers (pg. 10), which leaves her open to the very non-stereotypical Edward.

Luke (Among the Hidden)- Luke's hidden child circumstances lead him to be far from the stereotypical male that his brothers or father represent. This most likely has a great deal to do with spending most of his childhood in the company of his mother only. Although his father and brothers tease him for things like baking bread or cleaning, without options for sports and school, Luke finds these to be the activities he enjoys. His favorite activity is reading, and his new found friend in Jen further highlights his feminine qualities. He prefers the safety of home to the bravery of Jen. (Jen appears more masculine than Luke. Wanting to fix and build things rather than shop. Standing up bravely to anyone.)

Torey (The Body of Christopher Creed)- Torey has the outer characteristics of the stereotypical male character. He plays football, prefers the company of his close male friends, spends his time with his band, and dates the popular cheerleader. However, Torey also displays some more feiminine like sensitivities in feeling for the Chris, Bo, and even Ali. In this way, he overcomes the stereotype that males must only be macho jocks. (Bo is much the same way, although he may appear tough and even violent, he is sensitive to those with rough home lives like he has experienced.)

Cam Jansen (The Chocolate Fudge Mystery)- Cam represents the stereotypical modern female. While she is friendly, cheerful, and enjoys a variety of things, she is also empowered to make decisions and think logically using her own abilities. Young girls often relate to Cam because she feels like one of them. She uses Cam and Jennifer interchangeably based on her situation. She feels equally comfortable with her male friend Eric or her female friends. I suppose you could say she meets the stereotype of a post-feminism female.

The fact that all of the characters are non-stereotypical (or modern stereotypical) I believe has a great deal to do with the genres in which they are found. The Mystery and Speculative Fiction genres often bring strong characters to the the table. These characters often exhibit the same non-typical (non-realstic) characteristics of the genres in which they reside. Realistic fiction provides the reader with stories that meat the norms, and therefore characters that do the same.

Generally, I think exposure to stereotypical gender roles is no more or less harmful than exposure to those who break from the norm. While many novels provide the reader with the stereotypes of feminine or masculine characters, there are still others that provide readers with examples of characters in a counter culture. Stereotypical roles are just that, typical. Most readers will easily identify with their characteristics. For those that don't, numerous examples can be found for their enjoyment. When we eliminate the stereotypical or the countertype from literature we give our children, that is when we will have problems. The goal should be to present a healthy balance, just like they might find in the outside world.

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